Basic dimensions settings
To set the initial dimensions of crop area (crop box), you can use the
which is located in the Options
property of the cropper.
To resize the crop area of ββan already initialized cropper component
you can use its SetData

@using Cropper.Blazor.Models; <MudGrid> <MudItem xs="12" sm="8" md="9" lg="9"> <MudPaper Class="pa-2"> <div class="img-container"> <CropperComponent Class="big-img" @ref="CropperComponent" Src="images/Rivne2.jpg" Options="CropperOptions" /> </div> </MudPaper> </MudItem> <MudItem xs="12" sm="4" md="9" lg="3"> <MudPaper Class="pa-2"> <MudNumericField Class="mb-2" @bind-Value="CropBoxWidth" Label="Width" Step=".2M" Variant="Variant.Text" Adornment="Adornment.End" AdornmentText="px" AdornmentColor="Color.Primary" Format="N4" /> <MudNumericField Class="mb-2" @bind-Value="CropBoxHeight" Label="Height" Step=".2M" Variant="Variant.Text" Adornment="Adornment.End" AdornmentText="px" AdornmentColor="Color.Primary" Format="N4" /> </MudPaper> </MudItem> </MudGrid>
@code { private CropperComponent? CropperComponent = null!; // Setting up initial dimensions of crop area private Options CropperOptions = new Options { SetDataOptions = new SetDataOptions { Width = 400, Height = 400, }, ViewMode = ViewMode.Vm3 }; decimal _cropBoxWidth = 400; decimal _cropBoxHeight = 400; private decimal CropBoxWidth { get => _cropBoxWidth; set { _cropBoxWidth = value; CropperComponent!.SetData(new SetDataOptions { Width = _cropBoxWidth, Height = _cropBoxHeight }); StateHasChanged(); } } private decimal CropBoxHeight { get => _cropBoxHeight; set { _cropBoxHeight = value; CropperComponent!.SetData(new SetDataOptions { Width = _cropBoxWidth, Height = _cropBoxHeight }); StateHasChanged(); } } } <style> .big-img { max-height: 400px; /* This rule is very important, please don't ignore this */ max-width: 100%; } .img-container { max-height: 400px; width: 100%; } </style>
Min and Max dimensions
You can use the OnCropEvent
to create
a minimum and/or maximum limit for the size of the crop box.
has a corresponding

@using Cropper.Blazor.Models; @using Cropper.Blazor.Events; @using Cropper.Blazor.Events.CropEvent; <MudGrid> <MudItem xs="12" sm="8" md="8" lg="8"> <MudPaper Class="pa-2"> <div class="img-container"> <CropperComponent Class="big-img" @ref="cropperComponent" Src="images/dolphin.jpg" Options="CropperOptions" OnCropEvent="OnCropEvent" /> </div> </MudPaper> </MudItem> <MudItem xs="12" sm="4" md="4" lg="4"> <MudPaper Class="pa-2"> @if (currentCropperData != null) { // Current crop box data <MudNumericField ReadOnly="true" Class="mb-2" HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="currentCropperData.X" Step=".2M" Label="X" Variant="Variant.Text" Adornment="Adornment.End" AdornmentText="px" AdornmentColor="Color.Primary" Margin="Margin.Dense" Format="N4" /> <MudNumericField ReadOnly="true" Class="mb-2" HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="currentCropperData.Y" Label="Y" Step=".2M" Variant="Variant.Text" Adornment="Adornment.End" AdornmentText="px" AdornmentColor="Color.Primary" Margin="Margin.Dense" Format="N4" /> <MudNumericField ReadOnly="true" Class="mb-2" HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="currentCropperData.Width" Label="Width" Step=".2M" Variant="Variant.Text" Adornment="Adornment.End" AdornmentText="px" AdornmentColor="Color.Primary" Margin="Margin.Dense" Format="N4" /> <MudNumericField ReadOnly="true" Class="mb-2" HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="currentCropperData.Height" Label="Height" Step=".2M" Variant="Variant.Text" Adornment="Adornment.End" AdornmentText="px" AdornmentColor="Color.Primary" Margin="Margin.Dense" Format="N4" /> } </MudPaper> </MudItem> </MudGrid>
@code { private CropperComponent? cropperComponent = null!; private CropperData currentCropperData = null!; // Minimum and maximum cropped dimensions settings private static decimal minCroppedWidth = 320; private static decimal minCroppedHeight = 160; private static decimal maxCroppedWidth = 640; private static decimal maxCroppedHeight = 320; private Options CropperOptions = new Options { SetDataOptions = new SetDataOptions { Width = (minCroppedWidth + maxCroppedWidth) / 2, Height = (minCroppedHeight + maxCroppedHeight) / 2 }, ViewMode = ViewMode.Vm3 }; public async void OnCropEvent(JSEventData<CropEvent> cropJSEvent) { await InvokeAsync(() => { if (cropJSEvent?.Detail is not null) { decimal width = Math.Round(cropJSEvent.Detail.Width ?? 0); decimal height = Math.Round(cropJSEvent.Detail.Height ?? 0); if (width < minCroppedWidth || height < minCroppedHeight || width > maxCroppedWidth || height > maxCroppedHeight) { decimal nWidth = Math.Max(minCroppedWidth, Math.Min(maxCroppedWidth, width)); decimal nHeight = Math.Max(minCroppedHeight, Math.Min(maxCroppedHeight, height)); cropperComponent!.SetData(new SetDataOptions { Width = nWidth, Height = nHeight }); } else { currentCropperData = cropJSEvent.Detail; StateHasChanged(); } } }); } } <style> .img-container { max-height: 400px; width: 100%; } </style>
Minimum relative dimensions
Use the MinCropBoxHeight
and MinCropBoxWidth
fields in the Options
cropper component property to
enable minimum limit for the relative size of crop area

@using Cropper.Blazor.Models; @using Cropper.Blazor.Events; @using Cropper.Blazor.Events.CropEvent; <MudPaper Class="img-container"> <CropperComponent Class="big-img" @ref="cropperComponent" Src="images/Odesa.jpg" Options="cropperOptions" /> </MudPaper>
@code { private CropperComponent? cropperComponent = null!; // Minimum relative sizes private static decimal minCropBoxWidth = 300; private static decimal minCropBoxHeight = 150; private Options cropperOptions = new Options { MinCropBoxWidth = minCropBoxWidth, MinCropBoxHeight = minCropBoxHeight, ViewMode = ViewMode.Vm3 }; } <style> .big-img { max-height: 400px; /* This rule is very important, please don't ignore this */ max-width: 100%; } .img-container { max-height: 400px; width: 100%; } </style>